We found the surgery center with no problem . . . well, very little problem. Mom and Dad were already there.
They finally called Scott and I back (with Wyatt) to get things started. We changed him into his little gown and put those footie things on him. They took his vitals. We met the nurses who would care for him.
Then, they said Mom and Dad could come back. We met the anesthesiologist. The doctor looked at the rash area and said everything was good to go.
It was sad to see the nurse walking down the hall to the operating room with Wyatt on her hip.
The doctor came out after the surgery and said everything went as they had expected.
When they said that we could see Wyatt, me, Mom and Dad couldn't keep up with Scott as he practically sprinted back to the recovery room.
Wyatt looked so baby-like wrapped up in the blanked and being rocked by the nurse.
Scott held him for quite a while. We were told we had to wait at the hospital for an hour just to make sure everything was ok.
When they finally unhooked the iv and said we could go home, I was thrilled. Scott dropped us off at home and went into town to pick up Wyatt's prescription for pain medicine.
Wyatt slept most of the rest of the day.
Mission accomplished!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Surgery Again?
We were scheduled to have surgery done in November. We went thru the whole process of not feeding Wyatt . . . got to the hospital . . . met the anesthesiologist and talked to the doctor. Then, we were sent home. Wyatt had a rash where they needed to do surgery and they were afraid it was a yeast infection and would mess up the surgery.
So, we went home.
Tomorrow we go back to try again. But, this weekend I discovered another rash. I called the urologist and left a message. Then, I called in to work to let them know I wasn't coming in. THEN I called the pediatrician to have him take a look.
We got there and he said it was NOT a yeast or fungal infection and that a little diaper rash cream should fix it right up.
I called and left a message at the urologist and let them know we were going to come in for surgery.
It's funny. For two weeks before the first surgery date, I cried every night worried about the whole thing.
Now, I feel sure that this is the right thing to do and the timing is right. Even though the urologist's office said they could still say no to the surgery at the last minute if they didn't like the way the rash looked, I feel certain we are ready to go.
Tonight, as I rocked Wyatt, I felt a sense of calm that I haven't felt in months. We'll see how everything goes.
So, we went home.
Tomorrow we go back to try again. But, this weekend I discovered another rash. I called the urologist and left a message. Then, I called in to work to let them know I wasn't coming in. THEN I called the pediatrician to have him take a look.
We got there and he said it was NOT a yeast or fungal infection and that a little diaper rash cream should fix it right up.
I called and left a message at the urologist and let them know we were going to come in for surgery.
It's funny. For two weeks before the first surgery date, I cried every night worried about the whole thing.
Now, I feel sure that this is the right thing to do and the timing is right. Even though the urologist's office said they could still say no to the surgery at the last minute if they didn't like the way the rash looked, I feel certain we are ready to go.
Tonight, as I rocked Wyatt, I felt a sense of calm that I haven't felt in months. We'll see how everything goes.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
New Year's Resolutions
Ok, so it's obvious that I'm not going to fix my procrastination habit since I didn't even attempt to make a New Year's Resolution until this week. I've thought of several in the last few days:
1. I'm going to enjoy every minute I can with Wyatt. I know . . . he's stubborn and has control freak issues like me. But, I'm going to try to look beyond those.
2. I'm going to get more sleep. The last few nights I've been letting Wyatt "cry it out" in his crib if I know it's too early for him to be hungry. I think this is going to involve giving him an 8 oz bottle at night before he goes to bed instead of a 4 oz. one. He's been drinking one and then not settling down and I've been discovering that he is still hungry. . . even though he doesn't give me any normal signs of being hungry.
3. I'm going to get this issue with my back pain under control. I'm already working on that one.
4. I'm going to keep at least the umbrella stroller in the trunk of the car all of the time. How many times have I gone somewhere and wished I had his stroller. But, his big stroller just takes up too much space in the trunk of my car.
I think that's enough to work on right now . . . I'll be lucky to really accomplish 2 of them.
1. I'm going to enjoy every minute I can with Wyatt. I know . . . he's stubborn and has control freak issues like me. But, I'm going to try to look beyond those.
2. I'm going to get more sleep. The last few nights I've been letting Wyatt "cry it out" in his crib if I know it's too early for him to be hungry. I think this is going to involve giving him an 8 oz bottle at night before he goes to bed instead of a 4 oz. one. He's been drinking one and then not settling down and I've been discovering that he is still hungry. . . even though he doesn't give me any normal signs of being hungry.
3. I'm going to get this issue with my back pain under control. I'm already working on that one.
4. I'm going to keep at least the umbrella stroller in the trunk of the car all of the time. How many times have I gone somewhere and wished I had his stroller. But, his big stroller just takes up too much space in the trunk of my car.
I think that's enough to work on right now . . . I'll be lucky to really accomplish 2 of them.
Our family photo . . . finally

Ok, I was long past due to take Wyatt to have his pictures taken professionally . . . and we needed a family photo. So, the day before Christmas Eve, I packed up the family and took Wyatt to have his hair trimmed (it was getting long above the ears) and our photo taken.
The haircut went smoothly. He chewed on a comb while they cut his hair. I wanted to take pictures, but I was having my hair done too. He sat on Daddy's lap while getting the haircut. He even let them use the clippers on his neck.
We got to Sears and they were basically ready for us. I thought the picture thing might be a fight. But, Wyatt turned on his cheesiness and we were done in about 10 minutes.
Ok, it's now or never
Michelle sent me the following via email this week.
Procrastinator's Credo
1. I believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already.
1. I believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already.
2. I shall never move quickly, except to avoid more work or to find excuses.
3. I will never put off until tomorrow what I can forget forever.
4. I shall meet all of my deadlines directly in proportion to the amount of bodily injury I could expect to receive from missing them.
5. I firmly believe that tomorrow holds the possibilities for new technologies, astounding discoveries, and a reprieve from my obligations.
6. I truly believe that all deadlines are unreasonable regardless of the amount of time given.
7. I shall never forget that the probability of a miracle, though infinitesimally small, is not exactly zero.
8. If at first you don't succeed, there's always next year.
9. I shall always decide not to decide, unless of course I decide to change my mind.
10. I shall always begin, start, initiate, take the first step, and/or write the first word whenever I get around to it.
I thought it really summed up my life. I haven't posted to this blog for almost 2 months. I need to go back and fill in the blank spots and post some pictures.
I'll work on that over the next few weeks.
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