Friday, May 30, 2008

Weather Forecast

You know that I love a good dick (sorry Mom and Dad) or fart joke . . . .

Weather Forecast


I got in my purse today at work to look for a specific pen. I found it in my purse, but this is what was on it.

And, the worse part was, it was DEAD and STUCK to the pen.


Scottie went fishing the other night and lost a really good sized bass. But, not long after that, he reeled this one in.


Last year, we had a friend who kept coming out in the morning to find his target deer torn all to pieces. He borrowed our scouting camera to find out what was going on and we all got a good laugh out of Deerzilla.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mama's Little Helper

No explaining necessary. One day, he'll make someone a good husband . . . if I can get him to stop biting and pinching.

Guess What This Is?

Ok, here's today's picture. Can you guess what it is?

Stay tuned for the answer!

I'm back . . . again, I think

Ok, once again I have been sadly lacking in my blogging. The Queen of Procrastination runs wild and free.

But, I DO have new video! YAY!

I will not give the back story of this one in order to protect the not so innocent. . . but the fawn was returned safely to his mama. It was not easy to say no to Baby Boo Boo when he looked at me and said, "Ma, deer, PEEEEEESE?".

Friday, May 16, 2008

Who Do You Love?

The other weekend, Daddy was gone and Wyatt and I had the chance to have some quality time alone together. What did Wyatt have to say?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wyatt's New Skill

A friend of ours bought a 4-wheeler to pay us back for Scottie helping to remodel his house. Every night, Daddy and Baby Boo Boo go for a ride. Tonight we discovered he has learned a new skill.