Friday, January 18, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
American Idol - My dirty little secret

Ok, so it's not really a secret that I LOVE to watch the American Idol auditions. I typically only watch the actual contest until the person who seems the most "country" gets knocked out of the contest. Then, I boycott. Last year, after watching a few nights of the actual show, I just couldn't get into it and dropped it.
But, now I've had two nights of auditions for the new season and I'm ready to go again.
There was one absolutely crazy woman on there that was weird to start with, but then her reaction became hilarious. I laughed out loud so hard that Scott was worried I'd wake up Wyatt. If I could figure out how to insert the video here, I would, but I can't so you'll have to go to the link.
YouTube - American Idol Auditions - Philadelphia - Alexis Cohen
Ok, so the Queen of Procrastination has finally decided to upload last year's Halloween pics. Better late than never, right?
Wyatt did not dig getting dressed up for Halloween. He also didn't care for going to the two neighbors' houses to trick or treat.
What he did like was the Skoal can (go figure) and eating candy with Daddy.
Wyatt did not dig getting dressed up for Halloween. He also didn't care for going to the two neighbors' houses to trick or treat.
What he did like was the Skoal can (go figure) and eating candy with Daddy.
Monday, January 14, 2008
I think I'm going to go into hibernation from now on during the winter.
I managed to get up early enough to get the car started this morning so that it would warm up before we had to leave.
I also picked up a blanket of Wyatt's just in case we got stuck somewhere.
I did not remember to get my hat and gloves out.
So, I noticed that it was pretty slick on our road. I didn't think twice about it and took the path to Nana's that includes a pretty steep and winding hill. That was a mistake.
I stopped at the top of the hill knowing that I wanted to go as slowly as possible down it.
It didn't take long before we started sliding sideways and wound up in the ditch. We hit the ditch pretty hard actually. I turned on the interior light and checked to make sure Wyatt was ok. He was upset, but ok.
Then, I had to figure out what to do. If we got out and walked the rest of the way to Nana's (out of cell phone service), I had a blanket for him. But, if another car came down the hill and lost control, we would have nothing to protect us. I decided that it was safer in the car.
So, I turned on the hazard lights and managed to get us out of the ditch. But, we kept sliding sideways every time I let off the brake.
So, I just kept steering the best I could, tapping on the brakes and we finally made it down to the bottom of the hill.
By that time my legs and hands were shaking. But, no harm done. We made it to Nana's. I remembered not to take that way back from her house to work. I'll have to remember not to take that way back to her house now this evening.
Not a fun way to start a Monday.
I managed to get up early enough to get the car started this morning so that it would warm up before we had to leave.
I also picked up a blanket of Wyatt's just in case we got stuck somewhere.
I did not remember to get my hat and gloves out.
So, I noticed that it was pretty slick on our road. I didn't think twice about it and took the path to Nana's that includes a pretty steep and winding hill. That was a mistake.
I stopped at the top of the hill knowing that I wanted to go as slowly as possible down it.
It didn't take long before we started sliding sideways and wound up in the ditch. We hit the ditch pretty hard actually. I turned on the interior light and checked to make sure Wyatt was ok. He was upset, but ok.
Then, I had to figure out what to do. If we got out and walked the rest of the way to Nana's (out of cell phone service), I had a blanket for him. But, if another car came down the hill and lost control, we would have nothing to protect us. I decided that it was safer in the car.
So, I turned on the hazard lights and managed to get us out of the ditch. But, we kept sliding sideways every time I let off the brake.
So, I just kept steering the best I could, tapping on the brakes and we finally made it down to the bottom of the hill.
By that time my legs and hands were shaking. But, no harm done. We made it to Nana's. I remembered not to take that way back from her house to work. I'll have to remember not to take that way back to her house now this evening.
Not a fun way to start a Monday.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
New Year's Resolutions
Ok, I did pretty good with last year's. I keep the stroller in the car. I've only lost my debit card a few times (the last time was New Year's Eve, ironic, isn't it?) and I have relaxed and enjoyed Wyatt more and worried less about him.
But, this year, Michelle sent me a list of resolutions that I absolutely loved and may have to adopt:
Attainable New Year's Resolutions:
This year, I resolve to...
1. Gain weight. At least 30 pounds. Why not? I might even add to become an alcoholic. One leads to the other leading back to the other if you do it right.
2. Stop exercising. Waste of time. See #1
3. Read less. Makes you think. Ok, not so much on this one. I actually have a plan to pick a topic and read 5 books on it. I'll post more about it later. See #5.
4. Watch more TV. I've been missing some good stuff. Particularly TruTv which used to be CourtTv.
5. Procrastinate more. Starting tomorrow. Yes, I'm the Queen of Procrastination. I should make myself a crown . . . maybe later.
6.Spend more time at work, surfing with the T1. Quality lunch time for me. Have you played Wedding Dash yet?
7.Take a vacation to someplace important: like, to see the largest ball of twine. I don't have a plan to take a vacation, but I have a plan to list places I'd like to go . . . like see the world's largest ball of twine. More of that in later posts. Refer to #5
8.Not jump off a cliff just because everyone else did. Yes, that's right. I walk to the beat of a different drummer. Or maybe I walk a different pace to the same drummer?
9. Stop bringing lunch from home: I should eat out more. Again, not a problem. Can you say "Bean burrito and large Mt. Dew"?
10. Get in a whole NEW rut! I think I could do this one with a little inspiration.
11. Start being superstitious. I'll work on this one. I'll have to find out some more superstitions though. See #5.
12. Personal goal: bring back disco. This one was made for me.
13. Buy an '83 Eldorado and invest in a really loud stereo system. Ok, this one, not so much. I think the 1995 Blazer that I bought for $150 and then Scott spent almost $500 on a stereo for covers this.
14. Get the windows tinted. Buy some fur for the dash. I love this idea . . . but will I get around to it? See #5. I'm thinking either camo or hot pink fur.
15. Speak in a monotone voice and only use monosyllabicwords. This will never happen. I'm too easily excited.
16. Spend my summer vacation in Cyberspace. Shouldn't be a problem. Do I need a passport?
17. Not eat cloned meat. I think I can do this. Do they even have cloned meat? Note to self: Ask about this. See #5.
18. Create loose ends. I'm all about this one.
19. Get more toys. With a toddler, this is not an issue. It'll happen.
20. Get further in debt. - Ok, not so much onh this one.
21. Not believe politicians. Not really a problem on this one either.
22. Not drive a motorized vehicle across thin ice. I don't even like to go outside if it's below 50 degrees.
23. Avoid transmission of inter-species diseases. I think this can be done fairly easily. I can't recall the last time I had sex with another species . . . or even kissed them.
24. Avoid airplanes that spontaneously drop 1000 feet. Can't get the hubby to fly. Not a problem.
25. Stay off the International Space Station. See #24.
26. Not swim with pirhanas or sharks. Not really a problem. See #24.
27. Associate with even worse business clients. I don't think that's going to happen, but it's a good goal. Do redneck construction people count?
28. Spread out priorities beyond my ability to keep track of them. Not a problem.
29. Wait around for opportunity. Again, not a problem.
30. Focus on the faults of others. Again, not a problem.
31. Mope about my faults.
Not a problem. Maybe I should become Catholic. Then, I can mope AND confess. Or, I could not confess and then mope about my faults and not confessing. See #5.
32. Never make New Year's resolutions again. I could just ask other people what theirs are and copy them.
But, this year, Michelle sent me a list of resolutions that I absolutely loved and may have to adopt:
Attainable New Year's Resolutions:
This year, I resolve to...
1. Gain weight. At least 30 pounds. Why not? I might even add to become an alcoholic. One leads to the other leading back to the other if you do it right.
2. Stop exercising. Waste of time. See #1
3. Read less. Makes you think. Ok, not so much on this one. I actually have a plan to pick a topic and read 5 books on it. I'll post more about it later. See #5.
4. Watch more TV. I've been missing some good stuff. Particularly TruTv which used to be CourtTv.
5. Procrastinate more. Starting tomorrow. Yes, I'm the Queen of Procrastination. I should make myself a crown . . . maybe later.
6.Spend more time at work, surfing with the T1. Quality lunch time for me. Have you played Wedding Dash yet?
7.Take a vacation to someplace important: like, to see the largest ball of twine. I don't have a plan to take a vacation, but I have a plan to list places I'd like to go . . . like see the world's largest ball of twine. More of that in later posts. Refer to #5
8.Not jump off a cliff just because everyone else did. Yes, that's right. I walk to the beat of a different drummer. Or maybe I walk a different pace to the same drummer?
9. Stop bringing lunch from home: I should eat out more. Again, not a problem. Can you say "Bean burrito and large Mt. Dew"?
10. Get in a whole NEW rut! I think I could do this one with a little inspiration.
11. Start being superstitious. I'll work on this one. I'll have to find out some more superstitions though. See #5.
12. Personal goal: bring back disco. This one was made for me.
13. Buy an '83 Eldorado and invest in a really loud stereo system. Ok, this one, not so much. I think the 1995 Blazer that I bought for $150 and then Scott spent almost $500 on a stereo for covers this.
14. Get the windows tinted. Buy some fur for the dash. I love this idea . . . but will I get around to it? See #5. I'm thinking either camo or hot pink fur.
15. Speak in a monotone voice and only use monosyllabicwords. This will never happen. I'm too easily excited.
16. Spend my summer vacation in Cyberspace. Shouldn't be a problem. Do I need a passport?
17. Not eat cloned meat. I think I can do this. Do they even have cloned meat? Note to self: Ask about this. See #5.
18. Create loose ends. I'm all about this one.
19. Get more toys. With a toddler, this is not an issue. It'll happen.
20. Get further in debt. - Ok, not so much onh this one.
21. Not believe politicians. Not really a problem on this one either.
22. Not drive a motorized vehicle across thin ice. I don't even like to go outside if it's below 50 degrees.
23. Avoid transmission of inter-species diseases. I think this can be done fairly easily. I can't recall the last time I had sex with another species . . . or even kissed them.
24. Avoid airplanes that spontaneously drop 1000 feet. Can't get the hubby to fly. Not a problem.
25. Stay off the International Space Station. See #24.
26. Not swim with pirhanas or sharks. Not really a problem. See #24.
27. Associate with even worse business clients. I don't think that's going to happen, but it's a good goal. Do redneck construction people count?
28. Spread out priorities beyond my ability to keep track of them. Not a problem.
29. Wait around for opportunity. Again, not a problem.
30. Focus on the faults of others. Again, not a problem.
31. Mope about my faults.
Not a problem. Maybe I should become Catholic. Then, I can mope AND confess. Or, I could not confess and then mope about my faults and not confessing. See #5.
32. Never make New Year's resolutions again. I could just ask other people what theirs are and copy them.
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- Catalogs . . . isn't that sad?
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- The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club by Lauria Notaro
Favorite Books
- The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing
- The Lovely Bones - a strange but facinating book.
- The DaVinci Code - who doesn't love a good conspiracy theory?