Proof that all who wander are not lost but a true procrastinator can put off admitting that they are not sure where life is headed and claim that it has something to do with fate.
Ok, I probably need more than one considering my vices and quirks.
But, this morning, I NEED an iced green tea latte from Starbucks. It's been on my mind all morning. I could have stopped and gotten one on the way to work, but I was trying to have some will power.
I finally gave in. And, now is on its way to me.
Considering how bad I am jonesing for this, I looked up the 12 Steps from AA and molded them to fit my problem and spiritual beliefs:
1. We admit we are powerless over Starbucks—that our lives have become unmanageable. 2. Have come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Karma 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 5. Admitted to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. 6. Are entirely ready to remove all these defects of character. 7. Humbly ask Karma to remove our shortcomings. 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. 9. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. 10. Continue to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admit it. 11. Seek through meditation to improve our conscious contact with Karma, seeking only for knowledge of it for us and the power to carry that out. 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we try to carry this message to Starbucksaholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Lately, there's been a LOT of contsruction going on in Bloomington and Martinsville. It seems that every part of my long commute is hampered by the construction. Even looking at the guys working along the road has lost its novelty.
Last week, I ran into a different sort of a traffic jam. I came over a hill and the road was FILLED with these geese. They had several cars lined up (and this is in the middle of nowhere) waiting for them to move.
I couldn't really get a good picture of them until they had crossed the road and went into someone's yard . . . but it did make me laugh. At least the scenery during the traffic jams had changed.
Being a deep believer in Karma, I TRY to do some small random acts of kindness (even thought I hate that phrase) every once in a while.
Today, I need a little help in giving someone a lift up in the Karma area.
I listen to the same radio station every morning (of course, it's part of my OCD) and got wrapped up in the pregnancy of the traffic reporter on that show. I'm not sure why I originally got wrapped up in it. But, I anxiously awaited the announcement of the baby's birth. When Mel would not be on the show any particular day, I would be SURE that she was giving birth.
Finally, Ella came. Then, I waited for Mel to come on the show to talk about her. I remember the week that they were expecting Mel to come in with Ella. Even though I wouldn't see her, I was anxious to hear Mel talk about her.
Unfortunately, Ella passed away around the age of 10 weeks old. My heart went out to Mel immediately. Even though I have not had a child pass away and can't imagine the pain that she went thru, I felt some connection with her loss.
Last month, I finally reached out and sent Mel a message (thru MySpace) that I think about her every day. I didn't want to intrude on her life or her grieving, but just wanted her to know that people were thinking of her, even if they don't know her.
Mel lost Ella four months ago today. I'm sure she is having an especially hard time today.
Ellas was beautiful. She had the biggest eyes . . . and a smile that lit up the world. She had endless possibilities ahead in her life. And, she's obviously touched many lives.
Please take a moment to send Mel warm thoughts of support. We may not have experienced the loss of a child. But, we have ALL lost someone dear to us . . . now imagine that loss times infinity.
On the way to drop off Baby Boo-Boo, I paid the water bill.
Then, I worked hard to catch up on things at the office since Jenn is back from maternity leave.
I went to Wal-Mart to get stuff to make a diaper cake for Akram and his wife. The package goes out tomorrow.
Since Scott was picking up Wyatt, I stopped and got gas on the way home. Then, I made sure Wyatt had dinner, his bath, his milk and went to bed before going back into town to the ENT.
Now, the ENT visit was exhausting within itself. My appt. was for 7:50 pm, but I got there early, so I got in early.
The doctor is a little Indian (dots,not feathers) guy. He is soft-spoken and has an accent . . .and I can't hear out of one ear because of this ear infection.
I THINK we sort of got into it even before my appt. because he said something about Edwards and the scandal. Now, personally, I don't care about it. I vote Republican, so it doesn't matter.
However, I didn't think it was the appropriate moment to announce my political views, so I just said something along the lines that everyone goofs up, but people who are known nationally get more grief for it.
Apparently, he didn't like my lenient point of view on it.
The exam turned out even weirder. He asked me the same questions in the exam room that we had gone over in the waiting room and that I had answered on the forms.
When I got to the point about breaking my femur, he seemed a little confused. I got the feeling that he couldn't figure out what that was.
We also got into it about my smoking until I told him that a lecture from him wasn't not going to convince me to quit because I enjoy it.
He asked me if my nose ever itched. I told him yes and that I thought everyone's did. He agreed and then chuckled.
Then, he started testing my ears with a tuning fork. There was one that he placed on my forehead and that I couldn't hear at all.
So, what did he say?
I have an ear infection (surprise!) a sinus infection (surprise!) and some sort of allergies.
He gave me a prescription for Augmentin and told me my hearing should start to return by Monday. Then, he told me he would see me in 2 weeks for allergy testing.
I'm not particularly fond of this guy, but what choice do I have?
By the time I went to the pharmacy and got home, it was 9:00 pm.
I watched a REALLY strange episode of South Park and drifted off to sleep.
I'm hoping that today goes better. I still have a lot on my plate and I'm exhausted.
So, Saturday we are hosting a cookout for my Katie's family. I'm really excited about this.
We haven't done a big cookout since we moved to the house 2 years ago. It was kind of thrown together last night.
So, what's on the menu?
Hamburgers Hot dogs Brats Deer steaks Sweet Corn Fresh green beans (from my garden) and new potatoes Chips Dip (homemade) Pasta salad Baked beans Deviled eggs (of course) Cinnamon rolls (in honor of Katie's mom, Lisa) Homemade Reese's cup pie (I think) Maybe some watermelon? And, Beer Pop Water Tea Lemonade? Katie and Brady got us this adorable drink pitcher with lemonade mix in it and I've been trying to find a special (and fun) time to use it. I think tomorrow would be perfect!
I'm really looking forward to not only having everyone over, but to all the cooking I'll be doing for it. I love to putter around in the kitchen on the weekends.
Katie and her family have been a blessing to us. They have taken us in as part of their family. They are always inviting us over and never asking us to bring anything. It's about time we did something for THEM!
My short attention span and lack of patience sent me off on a tangent today. I dug out my handy Wicked French for the Traveler book that was given to me by Mike Millar as one of my going away presents when I left the AHo.
It's a really funny book and I appreciate getting it.
So, to relieve some stress (since it's still illegal to kill people), I am going to pull a couple of phrases from the book with their translations.
Since I am in a bad mood, let's start with "Cultivating Your Attitude Problem".
Vous les paysans, vous avez des truffes ala place de cerveau!
You peasants have truffles for brains!
Je n'en ai rien a foutre, espece de depuceleur de vierges.
I don't give a shit, defiler of virgins!
And, my personal favorite (because it's short and to the point:
Va te faire foutre, fumier a l'haleine de roquet.
Up yours, dog breath.
*many accent marks are missing from these quotes because I'm too lazy to find and insert them. DEAL WITH IT!
Ok, so I heard about this story on the radio this morning. Now, being the Queen of Procrastination, I normally wouldn't get around to looking it up for two months. But, this had me laughing so I looked it up right away.
Here's the new story:
XENIA, Ohio (WDTN) - Some workers at a Greene County restaurant are in hot water with the health department, after an employee took a bubble bath in a store sink.
It happened at the Burger King on Orange Street in Xenia.
A four-minute video posted on captured the employee, self-described as Mr. Unstable, bathing nude in a large stainless steel sink as several other employees and a store manager looked on.
The video began making its rounds on the Internet Monday morning. One of the recipients was Greene County Health Commissioner, Mark McDonnell.
"My first thought was oh my God," said McDonnell.
McDonnell immediately sent staff to restaurant to investigate the numerous health code violations.
He said the restaurant was aware of the incident and had already taken steps to clean up, including disposing of all the utensils and sanitizing the sink twice.
All of the employees involved were fired.
"You can't account for everyone's stupid actions but when things do happen if you respond to it and take the appropriate action that's reassuring," McDonnell said.
Some Burger King patrons don't agree.
"That's just, it's wrong it's a place where families come to eat and them taking a bath in the sink that's just not work ethic," said Crystal Dodge, who said she used to eat at Burger King all the time.
2News reporter Megan O'Rourke went to the Xenia Burger King Monday afternoon looking for comment, but was met at the door by an employee who asked her to leave and referred comment to Burger King's corporate office.
Burger King spokesperson Denise Wilson emailed the following statement to 2News Monday afternoon:
"Burger King Corp. was just notified of this incident and is cooperating fully with the health department. We have sanitized the sink and have disposed of all other kitchen tools and utensils that were used during the incident.
We have also taken appropriate corrective action on the employees that were involved in this video. Additionally, the remaining staff at this restaurant is being retrained in health and sanitation procedures."
But for diners like Crystal, it may be too little, too late.
"That's just disgusting. I wouldn't want to eat here after I heard something like that, that's just not appropriate for employment," Dodge said.
"This kind of stunt really is a black eye for the restaurant itself."
Health Department officials plan to talk with prosecutors to see if any criminal charges will be filed, but they don't have any plans to issue fines at this time.
Report by Megan O'Rourke, WDTN. Web produced by Tony Heitmeyer
Here's the video: It's kind of hard to hear him . . .but I get the impression it's his birthday.
I'm also wondering who in the hell hired him? I don't have a problem with him bathing in the sink . .. hey, at least he's bathing. But, have you looked at his hair? Who hires him to serve the public?
And I haven't posted. Between the torn back muscle and this massive head cold and ear infection, I have not had the energy to do much of anything.
I did get some more bread and butter pickles done this last weekend.
And, I made blackberry dumplings for my sister-in-law.
I helped one of my nieces choose her classes for her sophomore year in high school.
And, I went to a cookout. But, I am dead on my feet right now. I can't even hear out of my left ear because of the infection.
It will either get better or I'll die and I'm not sure which I would prefer right now.
However, I'm knee deep in helping to plan the wedding. I just have to get past the hurdle of finding a venue that fits the feeling she's looking for and fits a budget.
I found a picture of a super cute vacuum cleaner costume online today.
And, when doing a search for "vacuum cleaner" on another Halloween website today, I came up with this picture . . . it confuses me.
I have been absent from my blog the last several days.
Friday, Wyatt jumped from the couch and I tried to catch him. Unfortunately, I hurt my back.
BB came over on Saturday to watch Wyatt so that I could go to the doctor.
Apparently, I tore a muscle in my back and it's bleeding. That means no lifting at all for 10 days. I think they forget that I have a child and don't have much of an option.
But, Trina is filling in for a few evenings to help me out with Wyatt. Thank goodness for that.
And, we're planning a wedding! Brady and Katie are getting married!
I am SO excited!
More later. My back hurts. It's time for my pain killer and muscle relaxer. I just wanted to pop in while I am waiting for my new Blackberry to restore from the back up of my old one. Feels like it is taking forever. But, my whole life is in it, so I am not surprised.