Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Short Attention Span & Lack of Patience

My short attention span and lack of patience sent me off on a tangent today. I dug out my handy Wicked French for the Traveler book that was given to me by Mike Millar as one of my going away presents when I left the AHo.

It's a really funny book and I appreciate getting it.

So, to relieve some stress (since it's still illegal to kill people), I am going to pull a couple of phrases from the book with their translations.

Since I am in a bad mood, let's start with "Cultivating Your Attitude Problem".

Vous les paysans, vous avez des truffes ala place de cerveau!


You peasants have truffles for brains!

Je n'en ai rien a foutre, espece de depuceleur de vierges.


I don't give a shit, defiler of virgins!

And, my personal favorite (because it's short and to the point:

Va te faire foutre, fumier a l'haleine de roquet.


Up yours, dog breath.

*many accent marks are missing from these quotes because I'm too lazy to find and insert them. DEAL WITH IT!

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