But, I woke up late and with a sinus headache.
Wyatt refused to participate in getting ready to go to Nana's. Then, he dilly dallied out to the car. Once we got to the car, he gave me the trouble-making look. I dropped everything in my hands to catch him (knowing that he was going to make a run for it) but it was too late.
I ended up chasing him around 3 of our 4 vehicles until I caught him. Once I got him in the car, he griped the ENTIRE way to Nana's. He didn't want to be in the car. He didn't want to be in his carseat. He thought he had a boo-boo. I knew this last one was a ploy just by the way he was whimpering. He has an obvious fake whimper. So, I had to listen to him bitch at me all the way to Nana's. And, since I got up late, I hadn't had my nicotine, my Mt. Dew, or my daily medication . . . or a chance to treat the sinus headache.
I was feeling pretty sorry for Nana (and myself) when we pulled up. But, Poppy was there to get him out of the car and he cheered right up. Go figure.
So, the hubby is fishing in the last tournament (hopefully) of the season tonight. And, he'll probably bow hunt most of the weekend. I'm looking forward to a little peace and quiet this evening once I get Tropical Storm Wyatt off to bed.
My goals are to sort thru his clothes and make the change for seasons and size. And, I really need to order some pictures online while there is a sale going on. I also want to make some cinnamon rolls for the girls at my hair salon. They deserve them. I've just been so exhausted every night when I get home.
I was going thru my Blackberry (Bob) this morning and found this picture I took several weeks ago. I need to look at it and remember how sweet Wyatt can be.

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