He really likes to take his shorts off, take his diaper off and sit on the potty chair for two seconds.
Then, he wants you to put the diaper back on, put his shorts back on . . . and he starts the process all over again.
So, I had put the potty chair away thinking that it wasn't time yet. I am trying not to push him.
This week, I brought the potty chair back out and put it in the bathroom. We have been talking about it when we go in the bathroom. We talk about how big boys use it and Daddy uses the even bigger one because he is all grown up.
Tonight, a miracle happened.
I was getting him undressed for his bath and he showed a little interest in the potty. So, I sat him down on it. He quickly got up and wandered around our VERY small bathroom for a few seconds and then announced, "Pee Pee" and started peeing on the floor. I grabbed a hold of him and got him to the potty chair and he finished by standing up in front of it.
I was so excited. I laughed and clapped and told him what a big boy he was. He was very excited too.
So, he got in the bath and then announced "Pee Pee" again. He scrambled out of the tub, positioned himself in front of the potty chair (with my help) and peed some more.
I know, it's just the first step and we're sure to take steps backwards, but it's exciting.
After he got out of the bath, he sat down on it again for a just a few seconds.
I never thought this day would come.

And you took a picture of it.
You've crossed the line into obsessed mom.
Oh, I am not obsessed yet. Give me time.
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