Yesterday was a bad day.
I got up late . . . but that wasn't the worst of it.
I dropped Baby Boo Boo off at Nana's.
I stopped at the Bigfoot.
I stopped to get some breakfast.
I stopped to drop off some pickles to Trina . . .which is when I realized that one of my tires was almost flat.
I went over to the Wal-Mart gas station to put air in the tire . .. and it was raining. As I bent over, my phone and my debit card fell out of my shirt pocket and started floating down to the storm drain. I caught them in time.
When I got to work, I realized that I had dirt ALL over my clothes from the hose at the gas station.
Then, at lunch, I realized that when I hit keys on my phone, my phone just kept typing in "hl".
I took it over to AT&T and Parker said I needed to call the warranty number.
They said I needed to wipe it, but I had never backed it up.
I got a display case ready to ship and realized that it was missing a latch. So, I had to go to the hardware store to get a new one.
But, I forgot to put the latches on the case before UPS got there and took the case. So, I had to call them and ask the driver to bring the case back.
I DID manage to find the disk and cable to back up my Blackberry to the computer. I wiped it . . . but the trackball still doesn't do anything when I press it in. Luckily, there is an enter key on the keyboard.
I called AT&T and they are sending me a new phone.
I'm glad yesterday was over . . . but I got up REALLY late this morning. Can we just start the whole week over?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Does this car make me look fat?

That's my question this week.
Friday, as I was driving home from work, I thought about how good I felt about the way I looked that day.
This is not a common thing for me.
So, I began to wonder what made me feel good about the way I looked.
It hit me. When I am driving the Blazer (the Mazda was in the shop again because the AC went out AGAIN! But, it was fixed at no charge) I feel smaller. I don't feel as chunky.
Which made me wonder if the old Mazda makes me feel fat and frumpy?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Pickeling in Peace
That's right. I am pickeling in peace today.
I had decided that this year I would make my own bread and butter pickels out of our garden.
Yesterday, it became apparent that it was time to get on the ball. I had already asked Scott's dad for advice. He seemed tickled pink that I was starting up this tradition at our house because he loves to can.
He insisted on giving me the bread and butter mix that he likes and letting me borrow his cold packer . . . although I offered to go buy all of it myself.
Saturday morning I went and bought jars and some alum. He said that it would keep the pickles crunchy.
Saturday night we picked them . . . and a lot of green beans.
So, now I am pickeling them. Thank goodness I had the thought to buy some extra jars when I went to Wal-Mart (and some extra mix) to buy the vinegar.
The first box of jars is already filled with cucumbers and I'm waiting for the mix to boil.
Scott took Wyatt over to take some deer meat and some of the green beans to Rick and Lisa's.
So, I have the kitchen to myself and I'm having a ball learning this.
I may even learn to make jelly. I also need to learn how to make Scott's dad's salsa (it's fantastic) and his chili starter (again, the best I've ever had).
It's hard work . . .but it's so much fun. I love being able to putter around in the kitchen and try something new.
I'm also thankful today for our wonderful families and friends. We've had such a great weekend.
Although Wyatt was horrible at Wal-Mart yesterday when I took him (I actually told him I was going to leave him at the lost and found), we did get out a bit for Lisa and Rick's birthday party. Their family and friends are great. They've taken us right in and made us feel like part of their family. I can't imagine life without them.
BB took care of Wyatt so that we could go. Of course, I had my OCD list of things I wanted to accomplish yesterday. I had some of it done. She picked it up and went thru the rest of it and did it for me. I felt horribly guilty. And, we missed Wyatt's bedtime which always makes me sad. I did go in and check on him before I flopped down in bed though.
This morning, I made the boys breakfast and then I took a nap. I had a horrible sinus headache.
Then, off to Wal-Mart for the vinegar. I had to call my mom to find out where the vinegar was in the store. She's so great. She didn't even ask me why I wanted it, she just told me. And, of course, it was right where she said it would be. I love having a mom like that. She's the best.
So, now I'm pickeling in peace.
I had decided that this year I would make my own bread and butter pickels out of our garden.
Yesterday, it became apparent that it was time to get on the ball. I had already asked Scott's dad for advice. He seemed tickled pink that I was starting up this tradition at our house because he loves to can.
He insisted on giving me the bread and butter mix that he likes and letting me borrow his cold packer . . . although I offered to go buy all of it myself.
Saturday morning I went and bought jars and some alum. He said that it would keep the pickles crunchy.
Saturday night we picked them . . . and a lot of green beans.
So, now I am pickeling them. Thank goodness I had the thought to buy some extra jars when I went to Wal-Mart (and some extra mix) to buy the vinegar.
The first box of jars is already filled with cucumbers and I'm waiting for the mix to boil.
Scott took Wyatt over to take some deer meat and some of the green beans to Rick and Lisa's.
So, I have the kitchen to myself and I'm having a ball learning this.
I may even learn to make jelly. I also need to learn how to make Scott's dad's salsa (it's fantastic) and his chili starter (again, the best I've ever had).
It's hard work . . .but it's so much fun. I love being able to putter around in the kitchen and try something new.
I'm also thankful today for our wonderful families and friends. We've had such a great weekend.
Although Wyatt was horrible at Wal-Mart yesterday when I took him (I actually told him I was going to leave him at the lost and found), we did get out a bit for Lisa and Rick's birthday party. Their family and friends are great. They've taken us right in and made us feel like part of their family. I can't imagine life without them.
BB took care of Wyatt so that we could go. Of course, I had my OCD list of things I wanted to accomplish yesterday. I had some of it done. She picked it up and went thru the rest of it and did it for me. I felt horribly guilty. And, we missed Wyatt's bedtime which always makes me sad. I did go in and check on him before I flopped down in bed though.
This morning, I made the boys breakfast and then I took a nap. I had a horrible sinus headache.
Then, off to Wal-Mart for the vinegar. I had to call my mom to find out where the vinegar was in the store. She's so great. She didn't even ask me why I wanted it, she just told me. And, of course, it was right where she said it would be. I love having a mom like that. She's the best.
So, now I'm pickeling in peace.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Too Good To Be True

Ok, sometimes, my husband is too good to be true.
I am working most of this afternoon (although I don't normally work Friday afternoons during the summer) to catch up on some stuff in my office. It was getting scary.
I realized that I was out of cigarettes. I called the hubby to see if he was in town and could get me some.
Not only did he bring me cigarettes, he brought me lunch. A delicious one at that.
Out of gas
This morning I was out of gas, mentally, physically and literally.
It's been a busy two weeks for me. There hasn't seemed to be a restful moment.
So, this morning, I was exhausted and looking forward to only working part of the day.
I KNEW that the gas tank on the Blazer was pretty much on E. But, I figured I might have enough to get to the gas station.
As I was pulling into the median to cross the highway to get gas, I realized that I had no power steering on the Blazer.
I looked down and realized that the Blazer wasn't running . . . . oops.
I cranked it . . . and it didn't start. Now, I wasn't worried about our safety (I had Wyatt with me) because we were in the median and literally right across from the gas station. But, I was a little apprehensive.
I cranked it again and it started. I scooted across the highway and hoped I wouldn't have to circle around the lot to find an open pump on the correct side of the truck.
We barely got pulled up to the pump when the truck died again . . . but we made it.
Earlier this week, as I was taking Wyatt to his Nana's, I came to a stop sign and saw the funniest thing.

Keep in mind, this intersection is at Farr Road and Anderson Road. Farr is a gravel road that runs thru the edge of the forestry between Old 37 and Anderson. It is really out in the middle of nowhere. I took pictures around it to illustrate it.

Why is it suddenly sitting there?
It's been a busy two weeks for me. There hasn't seemed to be a restful moment.
So, this morning, I was exhausted and looking forward to only working part of the day.
I KNEW that the gas tank on the Blazer was pretty much on E. But, I figured I might have enough to get to the gas station.
As I was pulling into the median to cross the highway to get gas, I realized that I had no power steering on the Blazer.
I looked down and realized that the Blazer wasn't running . . . . oops.
I cranked it . . . and it didn't start. Now, I wasn't worried about our safety (I had Wyatt with me) because we were in the median and literally right across from the gas station. But, I was a little apprehensive.
I cranked it again and it started. I scooted across the highway and hoped I wouldn't have to circle around the lot to find an open pump on the correct side of the truck.
We barely got pulled up to the pump when the truck died again . . . but we made it.
Earlier this week, as I was taking Wyatt to his Nana's, I came to a stop sign and saw the funniest thing.

Keep in mind, this intersection is at Farr Road and Anderson Road. Farr is a gravel road that runs thru the edge of the forestry between Old 37 and Anderson. It is really out in the middle of nowhere. I took pictures around it to illustrate it.

Why is it suddenly sitting there?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Singles Ads Part Deux.5
Ok, one last story that sort of relates to the singles ad that I placed.
So, while my ad was running, I was dating other men that I had met the old-fashioned way (bar).
While at the bar one night, I bumped into (probably literally) a "cute" guy who looked to be in his late 30's, early 40's. I happened to be there with some friends and one or two co-workers. He asked if he could buy me a drink and we talked for a few minutes. Then, he asked if I would like to come over and meet his co-worker. So, I went over to their table and met his co-worker. He was a very pleasant man with a New Hampshire accent. Nice enough to talk to. But, the first guy seemed a little too eager. So, I told him I was a widow . . . I lie a lot when I drink. And, I pulled one of my co-workers over and dumped her off on them and moved on.
So, the next morning, I get up and find two business cards (for the first guy) on the floor with my clothes that I had worn the night before. I asked my roommate how they came to be on the floor. She said that she had seen the guy tuck them into the waistband of my pants while I was talking to him.
I kept the cards although I didn't think I was interested . . . I should have thrown them away.
But, several weeks later, I was coming back from Indpls from a date with an ex-boyfriend. Weird, I know. But, he was in Indy visiting his parents and we had decided to get together for a few drinks. Well, the date ended rather abruptly because I actually sort of had a date in Bloomington later that evening. I told the ex that he was more than welcome to come back to my place and spend the night. He wanted to go to a hotel. We couldn't agree, so I was driving back to Bloomington for my date later that evening. I am using the term date loosely here . . .and you'll see why in a minute.
I happened to see the business card when I got in my wallet to get my card to buy gas. On a whim, I called him and left a message. I explained who I was. A few minutes later, he called back and asked if I wanted to meet him for a drink. I agreed but admitted I had plans for later in the evening.
So, we met u p for a drink (or two, or three) and he seemed pleasant enough again. For some reason, I didn't want to stop talking with him, but I didn't want to stay at that bar either . . . you couldn't smoke in it.
So, I explained that I had plans for later that evening that would include a guy that I was sort of seeing on and off. I told him he was welcome to come but that things might seem a little strange until everyone got the vibe that I wasn't there to be with the other one. He agreed and we drove to the other bar.
As soon as I walked in, there was the first guy. I could tell he wasn't thrilled. But, he eventually got distracted by some other girl that was at our table for some reason (she wasn't part of our regualar group) and things seemed to be going ok.
So, as the night ends (Close your eyes Dad), we decided that I would spend the night at his place. I remember telling him right before things got too "busy" that this would not make me his girlfriend and not to get used to me because I wasn't looking for a relationship and certainly didn't want to date anyone exclusively.
The next morning, I am sitting at his table drinking some juice and reading the paper while he was busy doing something. As usual, I was looking thru the personals. He came over and was reading them over my shoulder. At one point, he pointed out that he saw one that he should answer. I laughed because it was mine. He didn't believe me. I handed him the phone, told him to call the voice mail box and listen to the voice.
What are the odds of that?
Too bad he didn't work out. He reminded me too much of my ex-husband and I reminded him a lot of his ex-wife. Plus, he was a CPA and very yuppy. I was a redneck girl managing a trailer park and some rentals.
But, it WAS funny!
So, while my ad was running, I was dating other men that I had met the old-fashioned way (bar).
While at the bar one night, I bumped into (probably literally) a "cute" guy who looked to be in his late 30's, early 40's. I happened to be there with some friends and one or two co-workers. He asked if he could buy me a drink and we talked for a few minutes. Then, he asked if I would like to come over and meet his co-worker. So, I went over to their table and met his co-worker. He was a very pleasant man with a New Hampshire accent. Nice enough to talk to. But, the first guy seemed a little too eager. So, I told him I was a widow . . . I lie a lot when I drink. And, I pulled one of my co-workers over and dumped her off on them and moved on.
So, the next morning, I get up and find two business cards (for the first guy) on the floor with my clothes that I had worn the night before. I asked my roommate how they came to be on the floor. She said that she had seen the guy tuck them into the waistband of my pants while I was talking to him.
I kept the cards although I didn't think I was interested . . . I should have thrown them away.
But, several weeks later, I was coming back from Indpls from a date with an ex-boyfriend. Weird, I know. But, he was in Indy visiting his parents and we had decided to get together for a few drinks. Well, the date ended rather abruptly because I actually sort of had a date in Bloomington later that evening. I told the ex that he was more than welcome to come back to my place and spend the night. He wanted to go to a hotel. We couldn't agree, so I was driving back to Bloomington for my date later that evening. I am using the term date loosely here . . .and you'll see why in a minute.
I happened to see the business card when I got in my wallet to get my card to buy gas. On a whim, I called him and left a message. I explained who I was. A few minutes later, he called back and asked if I wanted to meet him for a drink. I agreed but admitted I had plans for later in the evening.
So, we met u p for a drink (or two, or three) and he seemed pleasant enough again. For some reason, I didn't want to stop talking with him, but I didn't want to stay at that bar either . . . you couldn't smoke in it.
So, I explained that I had plans for later that evening that would include a guy that I was sort of seeing on and off. I told him he was welcome to come but that things might seem a little strange until everyone got the vibe that I wasn't there to be with the other one. He agreed and we drove to the other bar.
As soon as I walked in, there was the first guy. I could tell he wasn't thrilled. But, he eventually got distracted by some other girl that was at our table for some reason (she wasn't part of our regualar group) and things seemed to be going ok.
So, as the night ends (Close your eyes Dad), we decided that I would spend the night at his place. I remember telling him right before things got too "busy" that this would not make me his girlfriend and not to get used to me because I wasn't looking for a relationship and certainly didn't want to date anyone exclusively.
The next morning, I am sitting at his table drinking some juice and reading the paper while he was busy doing something. As usual, I was looking thru the personals. He came over and was reading them over my shoulder. At one point, he pointed out that he saw one that he should answer. I laughed because it was mine. He didn't believe me. I handed him the phone, told him to call the voice mail box and listen to the voice.
What are the odds of that?
Too bad he didn't work out. He reminded me too much of my ex-husband and I reminded him a lot of his ex-wife. Plus, he was a CPA and very yuppy. I was a redneck girl managing a trailer park and some rentals.
But, it WAS funny!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Singles Ads Part Deux
Ok, to follow up on yesterday's singles ads theme.
My other date was with an Italian (honestly from Italy) plumber . . . who I would guess was in his mid to late 50's.
He had his shirt unbuttoned too far, was hairy, was greasy and had WAY too much gold jewelry along with an accent I could barely understand.
But, I'm jumping ahead of myself.
Let's start with a little bit prior to the date.
He wanted to meet at a local pub. It's one that I enjoy going to during the day, but hate going to at night. We agreed to meeting during the afternoon.
I get there and I'm standing outside along Kirkwood (again, I HATE Kirkwood) and, as I am standing there a while, I notice that a VERY handsome man seems to be waiting for someone and keeps looking over at me. Ok, he had a ponytail, which is not my type, but he had on really tight jeans, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat . . . he was hot.
Anyway, I finally got up the nerve and asked him if he was waiting for a blind date. He said he was. I said maybe I was his blind date. He told me no, that his was a brunette. But, he did smile and say he was wishing it had been me. At that point, I should have asked him to ditch his date and we could go somewhere else. . . or at least give him my phone number, but I didn't.
So, hairy, greasy, hard to understand Italian guy showed up. Although it wasn't lunch or dinner time, he ordered a bowl of soup. I IMMEDIATELY knew (just from talking to him, not from the soup) that I was not interested.
So, I excused myself to go to the ladies room. From there, I called home with a plan to tell my roommate to call me and say there was some sort of an emergency and I needed to come home. She did not answer the phone. So, I left her a voice mail with my plan.
About 20 minutes (a LONG 20 minutes) later, my roommate called. We had a pretend conversation about her getting stung by a bee and me needing to take her to the hospital. Actually, that had nothing to do with the conversation, but I made my end sound like it did.
So, I made my excuses and left. As I got up to leave, he gets in his wallet and hands me a slip of paper where he has already written down his first name and phone number. Great.
Oh, did I mention that he asked me to come back to his trailer and smoke pot with him while he was eating his soup?
I had NO intentions of ever going out with (or speaking with) this man again. But, he kept calling me. Finally, he called me on a Friday and asked me out for that evening. He was very insistent. So, I lied and told him I was on my way to Louisville for a work-related trip and would be gone until at least the following Tuesday.
He kept calling. I finally told him that I was packing my stuff to move to Louisville for work.
He still called me for a while but I never answered his calls.
I still shudder when I think of him.
My other date was with an Italian (honestly from Italy) plumber . . . who I would guess was in his mid to late 50's.
He had his shirt unbuttoned too far, was hairy, was greasy and had WAY too much gold jewelry along with an accent I could barely understand.
But, I'm jumping ahead of myself.
Let's start with a little bit prior to the date.
He wanted to meet at a local pub. It's one that I enjoy going to during the day, but hate going to at night. We agreed to meeting during the afternoon.
I get there and I'm standing outside along Kirkwood (again, I HATE Kirkwood) and, as I am standing there a while, I notice that a VERY handsome man seems to be waiting for someone and keeps looking over at me. Ok, he had a ponytail, which is not my type, but he had on really tight jeans, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat . . . he was hot.
Anyway, I finally got up the nerve and asked him if he was waiting for a blind date. He said he was. I said maybe I was his blind date. He told me no, that his was a brunette. But, he did smile and say he was wishing it had been me. At that point, I should have asked him to ditch his date and we could go somewhere else. . . or at least give him my phone number, but I didn't.
So, hairy, greasy, hard to understand Italian guy showed up. Although it wasn't lunch or dinner time, he ordered a bowl of soup. I IMMEDIATELY knew (just from talking to him, not from the soup) that I was not interested.
So, I excused myself to go to the ladies room. From there, I called home with a plan to tell my roommate to call me and say there was some sort of an emergency and I needed to come home. She did not answer the phone. So, I left her a voice mail with my plan.
About 20 minutes (a LONG 20 minutes) later, my roommate called. We had a pretend conversation about her getting stung by a bee and me needing to take her to the hospital. Actually, that had nothing to do with the conversation, but I made my end sound like it did.
So, I made my excuses and left. As I got up to leave, he gets in his wallet and hands me a slip of paper where he has already written down his first name and phone number. Great.
Oh, did I mention that he asked me to come back to his trailer and smoke pot with him while he was eating his soup?
I had NO intentions of ever going out with (or speaking with) this man again. But, he kept calling me. Finally, he called me on a Friday and asked me out for that evening. He was very insistent. So, I lied and told him I was on my way to Louisville for a work-related trip and would be gone until at least the following Tuesday.
He kept calling. I finally told him that I was packing my stuff to move to Louisville for work.
He still called me for a while but I never answered his calls.
I still shudder when I think of him.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Singles Ads
There have been a lot of commercials for online dating services lately. It's getting annoying.
While I am sure that there has to be some science to it . . . I find it weird.
It got me to thinking on the way home about my own experience with a personals ad several years ago . . . obviously while I was single.
I used to breeze thru the singles ad on a fairly regular basis because I found it curious. Who were all these people "advertising" that they wanted a date. And, I loved figuring out what the "codes" meant. SWF, DBM, ISO, LTR etc.
What always got me was camping. I personally feel that not THAT many people can be interested in camping. It must be code for something else that I don't understand . . . some subculture that I am obviously not part of.
Anyway, that's not the point. The point is (I think) that, one night, while lounging on the couch, I was reading the personals out loud to my roommate. She is a whole different story for some other time.
We then thought it would be funny to make up what MY personals ad would say. So, I scribbled it in the margin of the paper while we giggled about it.
Then, after SEVERAL beers (and probably a joint), I decided to do it. What harm could come of it? At worst, no one would be interested in me. At best, I might meet someone who is ok.
So, I learned that one should not drink and read the personals. Why?
I had exactly two dates (two different men) from my ad. Oh wait, I should back up. I should tell you what my ad said.
Now, I can't remember EXACTLY what it said (remember, several beers), but it said something like . . .
SWF - 30 year old female. 5'4", 102 lbs (yeah, it was YEARS ago) blonde/blue girl-next-door type looking for SWM. Age 25-45 (I'm an open minded woman when it comes to age) 6 ft. +, 220+ lb, must be educated and have sense of humor. Dark hair/eyes preferred. East Coast/Chicago accents preferred. Looking for "casual dating"
Ok, "casual dating" was the best term I could come up for what I really wanted. I didn't think they would allow what I really wanted to be printed in the local paper. (Cover your eyes Dad)
First of all, my roommate laughed at calling myself the girl-next-door type. She didn't think that fit me at all. But, when pressed for a better adjective, she couldn't come up with one. I was going for the "average" type but didn't want to use that word.
What did I get from my ad?
The first guy called. He seemed ok. He wanted to meet that evening at the Starbucks just off of Kirkwood. I didn't have anything better to do . . . so I beautified myself and went to town. I HATE Kirkwood, but I thought it might be worth it. Was I wrong.
I had a cup of tea and we chatted for a while. He seemed pretty dumb, but seemed harmless.
He asked me at one point if I was a smoker. I figured this was a deal breaker but answered truthfully. He said he could tell because I was starting to bounce my leg.
He offered me the chance to walk around downtown with him so that I could smoke. Excuse me, but smokers don't tend to like to take walks. But, I agreed because I wanted to talk a little more and really needed the cigarette.
We ended up at the Irish Lion by a very long route. He stopped and asked if I would like to go in and have a drink. I felt that I could surely use one at that point.
We go in and sit down. I ordered a beer . . . and he orders water. Did I forget to mention that he's a "personal trainer"? I think I did.
I asked him why he wasn't having a drink and he said he didn't ruin his body by drinking and smoking. Oh Lord.
So, we continued to talk for a bit and then decided it was getting late. He kind of acted like he wanted to give me a kiss but I had already warned him that I didn't kiss on the first date.
Close your eyes Dad . . . unless, of course, we ended up knocking boots on the first date . . . but he and I didn't.
So, he asked if he could see me again. I thought it was pointless but I agreed. He said he would take me out on Thursday of that week for dinner.
I went home and told my roommate how it went. She gave me a hard time for agreeing to a second date. My other roommate had company and they asked who I had gone out with. When I told them his name, they said they had went to school with him and he was an idiot and somewhat psycho.
I was really dreading going out to dinner that week. He called me just a few hours before the date and said that he had to go do something for him mom but asked if he could call me later to reschedule. I was relieved that he cancelled but reluctantly agreed that he could call me.
He never did . . . thank goodness.
Ok, this went on longer than I thought. And the other story is long too . . . so I will post about it later on.
It involves a secret phone call from a bar bathroom . . . it's really funny.
While I am sure that there has to be some science to it . . . I find it weird.
It got me to thinking on the way home about my own experience with a personals ad several years ago . . . obviously while I was single.
I used to breeze thru the singles ad on a fairly regular basis because I found it curious. Who were all these people "advertising" that they wanted a date. And, I loved figuring out what the "codes" meant. SWF, DBM, ISO, LTR etc.
What always got me was camping. I personally feel that not THAT many people can be interested in camping. It must be code for something else that I don't understand . . . some subculture that I am obviously not part of.
Anyway, that's not the point. The point is (I think) that, one night, while lounging on the couch, I was reading the personals out loud to my roommate. She is a whole different story for some other time.
We then thought it would be funny to make up what MY personals ad would say. So, I scribbled it in the margin of the paper while we giggled about it.
Then, after SEVERAL beers (and probably a joint), I decided to do it. What harm could come of it? At worst, no one would be interested in me. At best, I might meet someone who is ok.
So, I learned that one should not drink and read the personals. Why?
I had exactly two dates (two different men) from my ad. Oh wait, I should back up. I should tell you what my ad said.
Now, I can't remember EXACTLY what it said (remember, several beers), but it said something like . . .
SWF - 30 year old female. 5'4", 102 lbs (yeah, it was YEARS ago) blonde/blue girl-next-door type looking for SWM. Age 25-45 (I'm an open minded woman when it comes to age) 6 ft. +, 220+ lb, must be educated and have sense of humor. Dark hair/eyes preferred. East Coast/Chicago accents preferred. Looking for "casual dating"
Ok, "casual dating" was the best term I could come up for what I really wanted. I didn't think they would allow what I really wanted to be printed in the local paper. (Cover your eyes Dad)
First of all, my roommate laughed at calling myself the girl-next-door type. She didn't think that fit me at all. But, when pressed for a better adjective, she couldn't come up with one. I was going for the "average" type but didn't want to use that word.
What did I get from my ad?
The first guy called. He seemed ok. He wanted to meet that evening at the Starbucks just off of Kirkwood. I didn't have anything better to do . . . so I beautified myself and went to town. I HATE Kirkwood, but I thought it might be worth it. Was I wrong.
I had a cup of tea and we chatted for a while. He seemed pretty dumb, but seemed harmless.
He asked me at one point if I was a smoker. I figured this was a deal breaker but answered truthfully. He said he could tell because I was starting to bounce my leg.
He offered me the chance to walk around downtown with him so that I could smoke. Excuse me, but smokers don't tend to like to take walks. But, I agreed because I wanted to talk a little more and really needed the cigarette.
We ended up at the Irish Lion by a very long route. He stopped and asked if I would like to go in and have a drink. I felt that I could surely use one at that point.
We go in and sit down. I ordered a beer . . . and he orders water. Did I forget to mention that he's a "personal trainer"? I think I did.
I asked him why he wasn't having a drink and he said he didn't ruin his body by drinking and smoking. Oh Lord.
So, we continued to talk for a bit and then decided it was getting late. He kind of acted like he wanted to give me a kiss but I had already warned him that I didn't kiss on the first date.
Close your eyes Dad . . . unless, of course, we ended up knocking boots on the first date . . . but he and I didn't.
So, he asked if he could see me again. I thought it was pointless but I agreed. He said he would take me out on Thursday of that week for dinner.
I went home and told my roommate how it went. She gave me a hard time for agreeing to a second date. My other roommate had company and they asked who I had gone out with. When I told them his name, they said they had went to school with him and he was an idiot and somewhat psycho.
I was really dreading going out to dinner that week. He called me just a few hours before the date and said that he had to go do something for him mom but asked if he could call me later to reschedule. I was relieved that he cancelled but reluctantly agreed that he could call me.
He never did . . . thank goodness.
Ok, this went on longer than I thought. And the other story is long too . . . so I will post about it later on.
It involves a secret phone call from a bar bathroom . . . it's really funny.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Zero Tolerance for bullshit

That's where I am right now.
I have had it up to my ears with bullshit . . . and I'm done with it.
I'm done with it at work . . . I'm done with it with my friends . . . but most importantly, I'm done with it when it comes to dealing with family.
If you can't play nice . . . I'll play with myself. Ok, that was funny, you have to admit it. And, it made me smile a little bit.
I'm just in a rotten mood and it's not going to get any better until I get off my butt and do something about it.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Life has taken over . . .
Someone once said that "Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans."
I think that's especially true this last week.
It has been absolutely crazy this last week at work. I don't like to go into details about work here (because this is a personal blog), but we had to let someone go which turned out to be a week long process. And, I had to pick up some extra tasks because of it. Tasks I had not done before or had not done in a long time. So, I had to read the instruction manual each time I wanted to do something. It will be ok though. I'll limp along until my co-worker (who is on maternity leave) comes back and takers back over.
Anyway, that means I haven't had much time to THINK about blogging let alone do it.
But, Scott and Wyatt are at Menard's. So, I have a few extra minutes.
It's 9:30 (I didn't get up until 7 because I was so tired) and I've got a load in the washer. The dishwasher is ready to go as soon as the washer is done. There's another load of clothes and dishes waiting.
The boys have been fed. I got Wyatt ready to go to town with Scott.
I've showered . . . that was a nice, peaceful shower with no one else in the house.
And, I need to put a roast in the slow cooker and start some homemade yeast rolls.
I'm also going to try to make a loaf of apple cinnamon bread for Trina and maybe some cinnamon rolls for work again.
I'd also like to find some time to get in the pool again.
It's finally up, filled and stabilized with the chemicals. YAY!
Ok, so, since I've complained this whole post, I'll stay on the topic.
There are some people down the road who have yard art that drives me insane. It's a gorilla. Yup, that's what I said.
Not only is it stupid, but sometimes they put hats (or a mask at Halloween) on it.
They've also recently put their house up for sale. I hope they take the gorilla with them when they go.
I think that's especially true this last week.
It has been absolutely crazy this last week at work. I don't like to go into details about work here (because this is a personal blog), but we had to let someone go which turned out to be a week long process. And, I had to pick up some extra tasks because of it. Tasks I had not done before or had not done in a long time. So, I had to read the instruction manual each time I wanted to do something. It will be ok though. I'll limp along until my co-worker (who is on maternity leave) comes back and takers back over.
Anyway, that means I haven't had much time to THINK about blogging let alone do it.
But, Scott and Wyatt are at Menard's. So, I have a few extra minutes.
It's 9:30 (I didn't get up until 7 because I was so tired) and I've got a load in the washer. The dishwasher is ready to go as soon as the washer is done. There's another load of clothes and dishes waiting.
The boys have been fed. I got Wyatt ready to go to town with Scott.
I've showered . . . that was a nice, peaceful shower with no one else in the house.
And, I need to put a roast in the slow cooker and start some homemade yeast rolls.
I'm also going to try to make a loaf of apple cinnamon bread for Trina and maybe some cinnamon rolls for work again.
I'd also like to find some time to get in the pool again.
It's finally up, filled and stabilized with the chemicals. YAY!
Ok, so, since I've complained this whole post, I'll stay on the topic.
There are some people down the road who have yard art that drives me insane. It's a gorilla. Yup, that's what I said.
Not only is it stupid, but sometimes they put hats (or a mask at Halloween) on it.
They've also recently put their house up for sale. I hope they take the gorilla with them when they go.

Friday, July 18, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
I need a car with Auto Pilot

My car has cruise control. And, I have been using it a lot the last month in order to make sure I don't speed in the construction zone on 37 and get some monster ticket.
But, it dawned on me this morning that what I really need is auto pilot.
With over an hour drive each way (by the time I drop off/pick up Wyatt, a significant part of my day gets eaten up in an unproductive way.
Seriously, think of the things I could do if I had auto pilot.
1. I could answer emails on my Blackberry. I already tend to read them while driving, but try to avoid answering them.
2. I could make up my "to do" list for the day.
3. I could get some general reading done.
4. I could update my blog, MySpace page and FaceBook.
5. I could take a nap.
But, no, I have to watch the road while driving. Bummer.

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Meet Bob . . .
For those of you who don't see me on a regular basis, you may not have met Bob. Bob is my Blackberry. I named him Bob because he's my battery-operated-boyfriend.
I got him in January so that I could combine a pda and my cell phone into one item.
I never dreamed that I would love him as much as I do. I spend quality time with Bob.
The reason I bring him up today is because I was thinking how quiet he is today.
I managed to leave the house this morning around 10 with only 2 false starts.
The first was that I got in the car and realized my smokes were in the house. So, back in I went.
Then, when I got almost to the access road to get on the highway, I realized my debit card was at home.
So, I turned around and got it. I was trying to hurry because I wanted to get to Wendy's in time to have a breakfast burrito. They are soooooo yummy!
I DID manage to make it there just before they stopped serving breakfast.
Then, I went to the John Deer dealership and got Scott a new hat. I hope he likes it . . . I really love it.
Next was the library. I was dreading going because I hate driving downtown and there's never any parking.
BUT, there was a spot as soon as I pulled in. How great is that? I wanted to pick up some books by a specific author. I've read a couple of her books and really liked them. Now, I don't tend to go to the fiction section of the library, so it took me a few minutes to find what I was looking for.
As I scooped up two of her books, I had a rumbly in my tumbly as Pooh would say. A LOUD rumbly. And, it didn't mean I was hungry. I put the books back and hightailed it to the bathroom.
When I got to the bathroom, there was only one other woman in there. Now, I don't like to poop in public bathrooms, but I felt this couldn't wait.
JUST as I sat down, the bathroom suddenly filled up with women. So much for that . . . I'm too shy of a pooper.
So, I went back out, got the two books I wanted, logged onto FaceBook to find a few authors I thought I would be interested in and got some of their books too.
On the way to checkout, I realized that our library now has a self-checkout. I thought I would give it a try. It was really easy and handy.
At that point, I thought I might go over to the office and use that bathroom since I still needed to go to Kroger and Wal-Mart. But, after fighting Kirkwood traffic again, I decided I would go home to go to the bathroom (praying that I would make it) and then just go to Martinsville and go to Wal-Mart. I couldn't go to Kroger in Martinsville because they are still flooded from last month. I would just have to buy my groceries at Wal-Mart. And, I needed to go to Wal-Greens to pick up a prescription anyways.
I made it home in time and headed to Martinsville. It took me FOREVER to get all of the stuff I needed and the cart was totally full. The air-conditioning wasn't working right and I was sweating by the time I got to the checkout.
And then it happened. I didn't have the checkbook or debit card that I needed. The debit card I had was for an account I keep minimal money in and didn't have enough in it for $190 worth of stuff that I bought.
I was freaking out because I knew my checkbook had been in my car. So, they cancelled my order, took my cart to the service desk and told me to come back to the service desk if I found my checkbook.
I sprinted out to the car and found it. Then, I sprinted back in and they just entered the order number and it re-rang my order up all at once.
By the time I got all of the stuff in the car, I was downright miserable.
I went to Wal-Greens and they didn't have my allergy prescription because it's not made anymore! Oh well, I picked up a Mountain Dew and some cashews for Scott for tomorrow.
By the time I got home from Martinsville, it was 2 on the dot. So, I had spent 4 hours running errands.
I got the groceries in the house and put away and took a 10 minute break to cool down. Did I forget to mention that I took my pants off to put away the groceries? It was just too hot . . . but I'm sure it was a funny sight.
So, now the errands are all run, the groceries are put away, the sheets are in the wash and I'm about ready to start making that cheesecake.
I'm excited to see how it will turn out. While it's baking, I'll unload the dishwasher and work on cleaning my kitchen.
Whew! What a day! I just want to take a nap but I still have too many things to do.
Isn't my life exciting . . . NOT!
And the marathon begins again!
Why does every weekend feel like a marathon?
I always have a ton of chores that need done and someone or something always seems to get in the way.
Scott is working most of today and then he is going to register for a fishing tournament that he will be in tomorrow.
Luckily, Aunt BB is coming to pick up Wyatt for a few hours so that I can get into town and get some shopping done. I HAVE to go today because I need to get stuff that Scott needs for tomorrow.
Wyatt's bag is packed . . . For the second time since he unpacked it once for me. He just needs a diaper change and to put his shoes on. Right now, he's watching Sponge Bob.
Last night he used the potty chair twice again.
I think it's time to put pull-ups on him during the day. Maybe we are taking another step forward?
So, today's to do list:
1. Grocery store
2. Wal-Mart
3. Wash sheets
4. Fold laundry
5. Upload more pics to Face Book
6. Unload and reload dishwasher
7. Change the light bulb in. Wyatt's tractor night light
8. Buy a new hat for Scott (story about it later)
9. Clean my kitchen
10. Go to the library
11. Shop for a new digital camera for Scott's parents. Apparently, my old one that I gave them is acting up again.
That should keep me busy today.
I always have a ton of chores that need done and someone or something always seems to get in the way.
Scott is working most of today and then he is going to register for a fishing tournament that he will be in tomorrow.
Luckily, Aunt BB is coming to pick up Wyatt for a few hours so that I can get into town and get some shopping done. I HAVE to go today because I need to get stuff that Scott needs for tomorrow.
Wyatt's bag is packed . . . For the second time since he unpacked it once for me. He just needs a diaper change and to put his shoes on. Right now, he's watching Sponge Bob.
Last night he used the potty chair twice again.
I think it's time to put pull-ups on him during the day. Maybe we are taking another step forward?
So, today's to do list:
1. Grocery store
2. Wal-Mart
3. Wash sheets
4. Fold laundry
5. Upload more pics to Face Book
6. Unload and reload dishwasher
7. Change the light bulb in. Wyatt's tractor night light
8. Buy a new hat for Scott (story about it later)
9. Clean my kitchen
10. Go to the library
11. Shop for a new digital camera for Scott's parents. Apparently, my old one that I gave them is acting up again.
That should keep me busy today.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Porno Chicken
Yup, that's what I said.
The Easter Bunny (Bawk, Bawk) brought Wyatt a basket of goodies on Easter.
One of the things he left Wyatt was this rubber chicken that you squeeze and it squeaks . . . think like a doggie chew toy kind of thing.
I have dubbed it the porno chicken because of the way it's mouth is open . . . it looks like a blow up doll.
See for yourself.

And, I think I am going to have to start collecting rubber chicken things.
I had one at my last job that someone gave me for Christmas. It was the stress ball version of the rubber chicken. Unfortunately, someone poked a whole in it's taint and it leaked these tiny little plastic beads out every time you squeezed it.
As I was getting ready to post this, I had a thought . . . maybe men who use the condoms in the previous post could use the porno chicken for their self-pleasureing needs.
The Easter Bunny (Bawk, Bawk) brought Wyatt a basket of goodies on Easter.
One of the things he left Wyatt was this rubber chicken that you squeeze and it squeaks . . . think like a doggie chew toy kind of thing.
I have dubbed it the porno chicken because of the way it's mouth is open . . . it looks like a blow up doll.
See for yourself.

And, I think I am going to have to start collecting rubber chicken things.
I had one at my last job that someone gave me for Christmas. It was the stress ball version of the rubber chicken. Unfortunately, someone poked a whole in it's taint and it leaked these tiny little plastic beads out every time you squeezed it.
As I was getting ready to post this, I had a thought . . . maybe men who use the condoms in the previous post could use the porno chicken for their self-pleasureing needs.
At the Bigfoot
Ok, so those of you who know me well, know I stop at the BP on highway 37, north of Bloomington, pretty much at LEAST once a day.
Altho it is now BP Gas and Circle K Convenience Mart, I still refer to it as the Bigfoot since that is what it was when I started going there years ago.
So, much of what happens in my life refers back to the Bigfoot.
I've seen a truck catch on fire, people go into convulsions, people fighting . . . all kinds of things.
The other day I needed some medication on the way home. My sinuses were driving me insane. So, I stopped at the Bigfoot.
As I am looking thru that section, I see lots of things that I find funny or curious. I'll get to those eventually, but here's the one I was to talk about today.
First of all, who HAS to buy a condom at the gas station? I can't figure out for the life of me why someone would need to do so. But, that's neither here nor there.
What got me was one of the kinds that I saw. Keep in mind I wasn't shopping for them, but this one just jumped out at me.
I desperately wanted to take a picture with my Blackberry, but thought that would look odd even for me. I mean, can you imagine the look on someone's face as they see me taking a picture of condoms at the gas station?

So, I came home and looked them up on the internet. First, I had the brand name wrong, so it took some research.
But, here's the information on the website for this particular item.
Snugger Fit
Designed to deliver the added stimulation and natural feeling you crave.
Ultra sensitive with a unique, natural feeling shape.
Lubricated for extra glide and enhanced sensation.
Natural color and odor free.
Convenient 3-count pack.
Ok, there are several things that I am wondering about this:
1. Who is man enough to go buy a "snugger" condom. To me, this equates a man with a small . . . well, you know. Now, I'm not disriminating against those size-challened penises . . . or is it peni? But, you have to be pretty ok with yourself to do this. I think I would just order them off the internet.
2. What the hell is a "unique, natural feeling shape"? If it's natural feeling, what's unique about it?
3. Odor free? Come on, it's RUBBER . . . rubber has a smell to it. And if it doesn't, the lubricant surely would.
4. Convenient 3 pack. What number in a pack is inconvenient? 1,000? And I read into this that you only need 3 because, unless you are particularly talented with that tiny willy, 3 would last you 3 women . . . get my drift?
5. And again, who the hell is buying condoms from the gas station?
Altho it is now BP Gas and Circle K Convenience Mart, I still refer to it as the Bigfoot since that is what it was when I started going there years ago.
So, much of what happens in my life refers back to the Bigfoot.
I've seen a truck catch on fire, people go into convulsions, people fighting . . . all kinds of things.
The other day I needed some medication on the way home. My sinuses were driving me insane. So, I stopped at the Bigfoot.
As I am looking thru that section, I see lots of things that I find funny or curious. I'll get to those eventually, but here's the one I was to talk about today.
First of all, who HAS to buy a condom at the gas station? I can't figure out for the life of me why someone would need to do so. But, that's neither here nor there.
What got me was one of the kinds that I saw. Keep in mind I wasn't shopping for them, but this one just jumped out at me.
I desperately wanted to take a picture with my Blackberry, but thought that would look odd even for me. I mean, can you imagine the look on someone's face as they see me taking a picture of condoms at the gas station?

So, I came home and looked them up on the internet. First, I had the brand name wrong, so it took some research.
But, here's the information on the website for this particular item.
Snugger Fit
Designed to deliver the added stimulation and natural feeling you crave.
Ultra sensitive with a unique, natural feeling shape.
Lubricated for extra glide and enhanced sensation.
Natural color and odor free.
Convenient 3-count pack.
Ok, there are several things that I am wondering about this:
1. Who is man enough to go buy a "snugger" condom. To me, this equates a man with a small . . . well, you know. Now, I'm not disriminating against those size-challened penises . . . or is it peni? But, you have to be pretty ok with yourself to do this. I think I would just order them off the internet.
2. What the hell is a "unique, natural feeling shape"? If it's natural feeling, what's unique about it?
3. Odor free? Come on, it's RUBBER . . . rubber has a smell to it. And if it doesn't, the lubricant surely would.
4. Convenient 3 pack. What number in a pack is inconvenient? 1,000? And I read into this that you only need 3 because, unless you are particularly talented with that tiny willy, 3 would last you 3 women . . . get my drift?
5. And again, who the hell is buying condoms from the gas station?
My Cup Was Runneth Over
Well, not mine . . . and it wasn't run over.
But, a travel mug WAS sitting in the middle of the highway at the intersection of Hwy 37 and Tapp Road today.
The picture isn't great, because I was trying to turn left and watch traffic . . . and take a picture of the cup all at the same time. It's a wonder I don't wreck more often.
But, a travel mug WAS sitting in the middle of the highway at the intersection of Hwy 37 and Tapp Road today.
The picture isn't great, because I was trying to turn left and watch traffic . . . and take a picture of the cup all at the same time. It's a wonder I don't wreck more often.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
The Little (and Simple) Things
The other day I needed to buy stamps. I cannot tell you the last time I bought stamps. I usually do everything online . . . or use the meter at work and throw my change in the bucket.
But, I had to have some and I wasn't at work.
I just bought a book. Who knows how long it will take me to go thru 20 stamps.
But, as I looked at them today, I couldn't help but smile. They are a little (and simple) thing, but make me nostalgic.
I hate to write letters, but love to send cards. I love to include a picture with the card.
It made me think . . . what was life like before ATM's? I remember when ATM's were new and scary. But, I guess you had to remember to get cash out of the bank before it closed for the weekend?
And, it's been years since I have bought a roll of film. With a digital camera, I take way more pictures than I used to. And, they are easier to organize on the computer rather than sit in a drawer. But, there was always something exciting about picking up your prints and wondering what they would look like.
Now, I can share my pictres instantly with family, friends, the whole world because of the internet.
So, with change has come some great things . . . but sometimes I miss the little and simple things . . . like stamps.
Oh, and I'm a genius again . . . being in the shower is one of the few alone moments I have each day.
Today I thought of something amazing . . . why don't they have solar recharge panels on cell phones like they do on calculators? Surely we have the technology now?
Is that super-smart or what? How many times have you had to rush home or to the car to plug in your cell phone? This way, just the light in your office or home could power it . . . duh!
But, I had to have some and I wasn't at work.
I just bought a book. Who knows how long it will take me to go thru 20 stamps.
But, as I looked at them today, I couldn't help but smile. They are a little (and simple) thing, but make me nostalgic.
I hate to write letters, but love to send cards. I love to include a picture with the card.
It made me think . . . what was life like before ATM's? I remember when ATM's were new and scary. But, I guess you had to remember to get cash out of the bank before it closed for the weekend?
And, it's been years since I have bought a roll of film. With a digital camera, I take way more pictures than I used to. And, they are easier to organize on the computer rather than sit in a drawer. But, there was always something exciting about picking up your prints and wondering what they would look like.
Now, I can share my pictres instantly with family, friends, the whole world because of the internet.
So, with change has come some great things . . . but sometimes I miss the little and simple things . . . like stamps.
Oh, and I'm a genius again . . . being in the shower is one of the few alone moments I have each day.
Today I thought of something amazing . . . why don't they have solar recharge panels on cell phones like they do on calculators? Surely we have the technology now?
Is that super-smart or what? How many times have you had to rush home or to the car to plug in your cell phone? This way, just the light in your office or home could power it . . . duh!
And I miss the little devil
So, today, I am back at work. I was relieved this morning to be back at work and into the old routine.
But, you know what? It just hit me that I miss him today. How sad is that? For two days I've complained because he's hung all over me . . . and now I can't wait to go pick him up.
I have no life.
But, you know what? It just hit me that I miss him today. How sad is that? For two days I've complained because he's hung all over me . . . and now I can't wait to go pick him up.
I have no life.
A common theme
So, I have decided there is a common theme going on in my life . . . not getting things done.
Yesterday started out great. Although I got up late, I DID get Wyatt to the church down the road to hand off him off to his grandparents.
Then, I ran up to Wal-Green's and got my presicription picked up.
I came home and started the long (and tedious) process of uploading pictures and video.
Then, as I was getting ready to blog for the day, Scott called and said he wanted to me to come into town and have lunch with him.
So, I went into town and had lunch. I had just gotten home and started on a project that he needed me to do and Nana called. Wyatt was running a really high fever and he wanted me to come get him.
I stopped at Wal-Green's and got some fever and cold medicine (including suppositories)and went and got him. On the way back from her house, I called the doctor and they got us in for an appointment.
By the time we got to the doctor, the suppository had done its job, but he was still feeling yucky.
The doctor said it was probably just a bug and to keep an eye on him.
I spent the rest of the evening taking care of Wyatt and not getting anything else done.
I was really disappointed that a day I had planned for just doing stuff around the house got derailed again.
Today, I am back at work. Not sure if I am glad or not. Lots of stuff to catch up on, but at least I don't have a cranky 2 year old hanging on me.
He seemed to feel a lot better this morning. He actually drank a whole cup of Gatorade and a whole cup of milk which I think was more than he drank ALL day yesterday.
Yesterday started out great. Although I got up late, I DID get Wyatt to the church down the road to hand off him off to his grandparents.
Then, I ran up to Wal-Green's and got my presicription picked up.
I came home and started the long (and tedious) process of uploading pictures and video.
Then, as I was getting ready to blog for the day, Scott called and said he wanted to me to come into town and have lunch with him.
So, I went into town and had lunch. I had just gotten home and started on a project that he needed me to do and Nana called. Wyatt was running a really high fever and he wanted me to come get him.
I stopped at Wal-Green's and got some fever and cold medicine (including suppositories)and went and got him. On the way back from her house, I called the doctor and they got us in for an appointment.
By the time we got to the doctor, the suppository had done its job, but he was still feeling yucky.
The doctor said it was probably just a bug and to keep an eye on him.
I spent the rest of the evening taking care of Wyatt and not getting anything else done.
I was really disappointed that a day I had planned for just doing stuff around the house got derailed again.
Today, I am back at work. Not sure if I am glad or not. Lots of stuff to catch up on, but at least I don't have a cranky 2 year old hanging on me.
He seemed to feel a lot better this morning. He actually drank a whole cup of Gatorade and a whole cup of milk which I think was more than he drank ALL day yesterday.
Monday, July 07, 2008
And, I'm awake . . . again.
This insomnia thing is driving me crazy.
Back to uploading pictures again, I guess.
Maybe this picture will put me in the mood:
I always like having people feel totally comfortable at my house, but sometimes it gets comical.
Wyatt went down for a nap one day, and Aunt BB fell asleep too. Note the chaos in the living room. Wyatt had been really playing hard prior to falling asleep.
Back to uploading pictures again, I guess.
Maybe this picture will put me in the mood:
I always like having people feel totally comfortable at my house, but sometimes it gets comical.
Wyatt went down for a nap one day, and Aunt BB fell asleep too. Note the chaos in the living room. Wyatt had been really playing hard prior to falling asleep.

Saved from the train wreck
I'm not sure how I did it, but I managed to not let Scott being home derail all of my plans.
Dinner is almost ready. We're having pork roast, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, homemade yeast rolls, deviled eggs and baked beans.
I also have chocolate chip & walnut cookies in the oven.
Wyatt's sheets are washed and his bed is remade.
Our sheets are washed, but I haven't made the bed yet.
Everything is laid out for Wyatt's evening routine when he gets home.
The laundry is all washed and dried, just not all folded again.
I have been uploading pictures all day to Facebook.
The trash has been taken out.
I need to scoop the kitty litter next.
I even did some billing for the construction company. Not a bad day at all.
Dinner is almost ready. We're having pork roast, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, homemade yeast rolls, deviled eggs and baked beans.
I also have chocolate chip & walnut cookies in the oven.
Wyatt's sheets are washed and his bed is remade.
Our sheets are washed, but I haven't made the bed yet.
Everything is laid out for Wyatt's evening routine when he gets home.
The laundry is all washed and dried, just not all folded again.
I have been uploading pictures all day to Facebook.
The trash has been taken out.
I need to scoop the kitty litter next.
I even did some billing for the construction company. Not a bad day at all.
My plan of action has been derailed
I was moving along pretty decent . . . and then it happened.
Scott came home to hook up the plow to the truck and deliver the truck to the guy who bought it.
And, then he said he was done working for the day.
I'm sure I won't get much more accomplished.
But, I DID get the bathroom cleaned, took out the trash, did a load of laundry, washed the sheets (they are in the dryer right now), unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, cleaned my stove top, cleaned my counter top in the kitchen, transferred one of my prescriptions to WalGreens and asked to have it refilled, restocked the bottled water in the refrig., put extra toilet paper in the bathroom, and started the rolls.
We'll see if I get much more done.
I am happy to say that the woman took all 4 of the geese, not just the 2 we promised to replace. So, the geese are gone from my yard. YAY!
Scott came home to hook up the plow to the truck and deliver the truck to the guy who bought it.
And, then he said he was done working for the day.
I'm sure I won't get much more accomplished.
But, I DID get the bathroom cleaned, took out the trash, did a load of laundry, washed the sheets (they are in the dryer right now), unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, cleaned my stove top, cleaned my counter top in the kitchen, transferred one of my prescriptions to WalGreens and asked to have it refilled, restocked the bottled water in the refrig., put extra toilet paper in the bathroom, and started the rolls.
We'll see if I get much more done.
I am happy to say that the woman took all 4 of the geese, not just the 2 we promised to replace. So, the geese are gone from my yard. YAY!

A TRUE Day Off
So, today is a TRUE day off.
Scott is at work . . . for now.
Wyatt is with Aunt BB.
I have the house to myself.
I am (once again) hoping to get some things done.
I need to get some pictures uploaded.
I have some minor housework to get done.
The dishwasher is already running. I will start the washer once the wash cycle is done on the dishwasher.
Yesterday, I needed to pack a bag for Wyatt. I decided it would be easier to pack it from the clean clothes that had not yet been put away.
When Scott saw me (and the couch) starting thru the laundry, he said we should wait until Wyatt was gone to fold laundry.
My response?
I'm not really folding laundry.
I think this picture of the couch tells a different story.
Scott is at work . . . for now.
Wyatt is with Aunt BB.
I have the house to myself.
I am (once again) hoping to get some things done.
I need to get some pictures uploaded.
I have some minor housework to get done.
The dishwasher is already running. I will start the washer once the wash cycle is done on the dishwasher.
Yesterday, I needed to pack a bag for Wyatt. I decided it would be easier to pack it from the clean clothes that had not yet been put away.
When Scott saw me (and the couch) starting thru the laundry, he said we should wait until Wyatt was gone to fold laundry.
My response?
I'm not really folding laundry.
I think this picture of the couch tells a different story.

I'm awake, might as well get something done
I was completely exhausted today. I took about a 2 hour nap today while Scott watched Wyatt.
Then, when Aunt BB came to pick him up, I put him in the truck and came back in to lay down on the couch and watch tv.
Apparently, I fell asleep for another 2 and a half hours. Now, I can't sleep.
So, I thought I would update the blogs a little.
Then, when Aunt BB came to pick him up, I put him in the truck and came back in to lay down on the couch and watch tv.
Apparently, I fell asleep for another 2 and a half hours. Now, I can't sleep.
So, I thought I would update the blogs a little.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Good morning! i think.
So, Wyatt didn't get up until about 7:30 this morning. That was good since we didn't get home until 11 last night. Wyatt was terrified of the fireworks. We actually were running so late getting to them that our friends called and said they were waiting to start them because of us. So, by the time we got there, I didn't have time to take any pictures of anyone. And, Wyatt was too scared to let me take any pictures during them.
He DID enjoy an orange Tweety Bird sucker tho. At one point, he decided to store it in my cleavage for safe keeping.
So, this morning I got up and fixed the boys some breakfast. They had hacon, eggs, fried potatoes and bread.
The washer has already run once and that load is in the dryer.
The dishwasher is running the first load of the day. I think there will be 3 loads.
The sheets need washed.
And I think I am really making the pork roast and cherry pie today.
Aunt BB and Big Al will pick him up today and he will spend the night and all day tomorrow with them.
Scott will probably go fishing with his cousin Pat.
And, I might actually get some things done today, maybe.
He DID enjoy an orange Tweety Bird sucker tho. At one point, he decided to store it in my cleavage for safe keeping.
So, this morning I got up and fixed the boys some breakfast. They had hacon, eggs, fried potatoes and bread.
The washer has already run once and that load is in the dryer.
The dishwasher is running the first load of the day. I think there will be 3 loads.
The sheets need washed.
And I think I am really making the pork roast and cherry pie today.
Aunt BB and Big Al will pick him up today and he will spend the night and all day tomorrow with them.
Scott will probably go fishing with his cousin Pat.
And, I might actually get some things done today, maybe.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
We're home, temporarily.
So, we got to see the new niece. She is too cute for words. I will post pictures tomorrow.
The geese have arrived. We ended up having to take 4 if we wanted any of them. So now we have 2 spare geese.
And, we are off to a 4th of July party that got delayed yesterday.
I am already exhausted.
The geese have arrived. We ended up having to take 4 if we wanted any of them. So now we have 2 spare geese.
And, we are off to a 4th of July party that got delayed yesterday.
I am already exhausted.
Today's the day!
FINALLY! I am finally going to see my niece who was born in February. I have been up since 4:30 filled with anticipation.
Wyatt's bag is packed and he's dressed.
The two bags full of gifts (I bought the cutest set of barrettes yesterday too) are waiing by the back door.
I am dressed and ready to go. I even have a touch of makeup on.
The dryer is running.
I will start the dishwasher before we leave.
I keep sending Wyatt in to wake up Scott.
I am ready to go see that baby!
I will load pictures tonight or tomorrow. I can't wait!
Wyatt's bag is packed and he's dressed.
The two bags full of gifts (I bought the cutest set of barrettes yesterday too) are waiing by the back door.
I am dressed and ready to go. I even have a touch of makeup on.
The dryer is running.
I will start the dishwasher before we leave.
I keep sending Wyatt in to wake up Scott.
I am ready to go see that baby!
I will load pictures tonight or tomorrow. I can't wait!
Friday, July 04, 2008
It's a short trip . . .
To driving me crazy.
Yesterday I managed to get the dishwasher run twice and get the laundry done.
I made the cinnamon rolls and took them in to work.
I also managed to get some other stuff done. I took a check to the bank for Scott to be deposited.
I stopped in at Big Lots and bought some presents for my niece that I will finally get to see tomorrow. I bought her several toys, 3 or 4 new outfits and a fluffy pink blanket. Of course, I got Wyatt a couple of toys and new outfits.
I ran a quick errand for Trina and I got a haircut.
I still felt like I didn't get as much done as I would have liked to.
This morning, Wyatt is driving me crazy. I think he's allergic to me sitting down or finishing any one task. Every time I sit down or start to get something done, he suddenly has to have something.
I did get the dishwasher unloaded and another load of laundry done. For five minutes, all the dishes were clean and put away.
Now I am making those yeast rolls to go with the pork roast . . . Finally.
Wyatt is busy using the Dustbuster to clean up a mess he made. When he finally goes down for a nap, I am going to look up a cherry pie recipe. And, I am going to finish making my shopping list.
The rain has stopped us from doing anything outside.I guess that means no more work will get done on getting the pool set up.
If his dad doesn't get home soon, he may have to pick me up at the loony bin.
Anyone have a Valium?
Yesterday I managed to get the dishwasher run twice and get the laundry done.
I made the cinnamon rolls and took them in to work.
I also managed to get some other stuff done. I took a check to the bank for Scott to be deposited.
I stopped in at Big Lots and bought some presents for my niece that I will finally get to see tomorrow. I bought her several toys, 3 or 4 new outfits and a fluffy pink blanket. Of course, I got Wyatt a couple of toys and new outfits.
I ran a quick errand for Trina and I got a haircut.
I still felt like I didn't get as much done as I would have liked to.
This morning, Wyatt is driving me crazy. I think he's allergic to me sitting down or finishing any one task. Every time I sit down or start to get something done, he suddenly has to have something.
I did get the dishwasher unloaded and another load of laundry done. For five minutes, all the dishes were clean and put away.
Now I am making those yeast rolls to go with the pork roast . . . Finally.
Wyatt is busy using the Dustbuster to clean up a mess he made. When he finally goes down for a nap, I am going to look up a cherry pie recipe. And, I am going to finish making my shopping list.
The rain has stopped us from doing anything outside.I guess that means no more work will get done on getting the pool set up.
If his dad doesn't get home soon, he may have to pick me up at the loony bin.
Anyone have a Valium?
Thursday, July 03, 2008
And I am off!
It's nearly 9:00 and here's what the plans for today are:
1. Unload and reload the dishwasher - Done.
2. Laundry - It's washed, just have to put it in the dryer.
3. Fold laundry. - Not done yet.
4. Make cinnamon rolls for the girls at work today - Done. I am just letting the caramel glaze cool a little before I put it on them.
5. Have lunch with Trina.
6. Get my hair cut - the appt. is for 1:30.
7. Clean up my kitchen.
I have a feeling the cherries and yeast rolls will have to wait another day.
Scott talked to his Mama this morning. They are already in West Virginia. They seem to be fine so far.
I have a headache . . . as usual. And, my back and hip are giving me fits. But, I am not going to let that slow me down. I have too much I need to do today.
Wyatt is with Aunt BB today so I can get some work done.
1. Unload and reload the dishwasher - Done.
2. Laundry - It's washed, just have to put it in the dryer.
3. Fold laundry. - Not done yet.
4. Make cinnamon rolls for the girls at work today - Done. I am just letting the caramel glaze cool a little before I put it on them.
5. Have lunch with Trina.
6. Get my hair cut - the appt. is for 1:30.
7. Clean up my kitchen.
I have a feeling the cherries and yeast rolls will have to wait another day.
Scott talked to his Mama this morning. They are already in West Virginia. They seem to be fine so far.
I have a headache . . . as usual. And, my back and hip are giving me fits. But, I am not going to let that slow me down. I have too much I need to do today.
Wyatt is with Aunt BB today so I can get some work done.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
If I had a nickel . . .
for all the things I didn't get done today, I might be able to afford a gallon of gas.
I did get the dishwasher run, but only once.
I got one load of laundry done.
And, I picked up a prescription.
That pretty much sums up my day. The little monkey hung all over me most of the day.
He DID take a nap this afternoon, but I napped with him since he got me up at 4:30 am to start the day.
Since I mentioned that Wyatt went with his grandparents earlier in the week to see his great-grandma (Mimi), I thought I would include a picture of her from last year.
Scott's parents leave for Virginia at 3 am. I'm nervous about them going this year. I can't explain why, but I am worried sick.
Wyatt will spend the day with Aunt BB tomorrow so that I can go into town and get some stuff done.
I did get the dishwasher run, but only once.
I got one load of laundry done.
And, I picked up a prescription.
That pretty much sums up my day. The little monkey hung all over me most of the day.
He DID take a nap this afternoon, but I napped with him since he got me up at 4:30 am to start the day.
Since I mentioned that Wyatt went with his grandparents earlier in the week to see his great-grandma (Mimi), I thought I would include a picture of her from last year.
Scott's parents leave for Virginia at 3 am. I'm nervous about them going this year. I can't explain why, but I am worried sick.
Wyatt will spend the day with Aunt BB tomorrow so that I can go into town and get some stuff done.
I Am NO Martha Stewart!
But, I am at home with Wyatt today so I might as well get some things done.
What's on my exciting agenda today?
Well, the dishwasher is running for the first time today. It will run at least once more.
I am making homemade rolls to go with the pork roast we're having for dinner.
I need to use up some cherries in my refrig too. Maybe I will make a cherry pie.
I will need to clean my kitchen after all of that.
I have laundry (as usual) to do.
And, if the child ever naps, I have plans to upload some pictures to facebook.
Exciting stuff.
Tomorrow is a different story. It IS packed.
What's on my exciting agenda today?
Well, the dishwasher is running for the first time today. It will run at least once more.
I am making homemade rolls to go with the pork roast we're having for dinner.
I need to use up some cherries in my refrig too. Maybe I will make a cherry pie.
I will need to clean my kitchen after all of that.
I have laundry (as usual) to do.
And, if the child ever naps, I have plans to upload some pictures to facebook.
Exciting stuff.
Tomorrow is a different story. It IS packed.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Ok, so I am Ok, I think
Ok. So, tomorrow, I start some vacation time. Nana & Poppy are going to Virginia which means I needed a babysitter.
I decided to take some time off instead.
I have lots of reports I need to do at work today. I have a few projects I need to either wrap up or move on to the next stage, but I THINK I am feeling ok with this. It's very hard for me to step away from my job for nearly a week. I love it and want everything to go just right. I know, there are things that are beyond my control, but I need to let it go.
So, I am ok, I think.
Things that I see as a good sign for the week to come:
1. Gas was down to $3.96 this morning and I needed to get it.
2. I get to see my new niece (born in February) on Saturday. I will take lots of pictures and load them. I can't wait to see her! I'm gonna cuddle and kiss on that little miracle.
3. We're getting a pool! Yup, a pool. I decided to buy an 18' x 4' pool. I will probably go get it this weekend.
4. I have time to try new recipes.
5. I'm having lunch with Trina on Thursday. How cool is that!
6. I think I'm going to go get my hair cut on Thursday.
7. Today is technically my Friday.
8. Hell's Kitchen is on tonight.
I know, they are small things, but they add up. I've learned to be thankful for those small moments.
So, I'm off to start work for the day. Hopefully, I will have time to get on here and blog tomorrow. We'll see.
I decided to take some time off instead.
I have lots of reports I need to do at work today. I have a few projects I need to either wrap up or move on to the next stage, but I THINK I am feeling ok with this. It's very hard for me to step away from my job for nearly a week. I love it and want everything to go just right. I know, there are things that are beyond my control, but I need to let it go.
So, I am ok, I think.
Things that I see as a good sign for the week to come:
1. Gas was down to $3.96 this morning and I needed to get it.
2. I get to see my new niece (born in February) on Saturday. I will take lots of pictures and load them. I can't wait to see her! I'm gonna cuddle and kiss on that little miracle.
3. We're getting a pool! Yup, a pool. I decided to buy an 18' x 4' pool. I will probably go get it this weekend.
4. I have time to try new recipes.
5. I'm having lunch with Trina on Thursday. How cool is that!
6. I think I'm going to go get my hair cut on Thursday.
7. Today is technically my Friday.
8. Hell's Kitchen is on tonight.
I know, they are small things, but they add up. I've learned to be thankful for those small moments.
So, I'm off to start work for the day. Hopefully, I will have time to get on here and blog tomorrow. We'll see.
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