My car has cruise control. And, I have been using it a lot the last month in order to make sure I don't speed in the construction zone on 37 and get some monster ticket.
But, it dawned on me this morning that what I really need is auto pilot.
With over an hour drive each way (by the time I drop off/pick up Wyatt, a significant part of my day gets eaten up in an unproductive way.
Seriously, think of the things I could do if I had auto pilot.
1. I could answer emails on my Blackberry. I already tend to read them while driving, but try to avoid answering them.
2. I could make up my "to do" list for the day.
3. I could get some general reading done.
4. I could update my blog, MySpace page and FaceBook.
5. I could take a nap.
But, no, I have to watch the road while driving. Bummer.

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